Nisshin Geppo (日進月歩 - Fast Progressing)

Nov 26, 2018 17:09
Nisshin Geppo

Information technology, especially security technology, continually progresses day by day.

When describing such a fact, we use the four-character idiom 'nisshin geppo' (日進月歩).

'ni/nichi' (日) means "day," 'shin' (進) means "progress," 'ge/getsu' (月) means "month," and 'po/ho' (歩) means "walk" or "stride."

It is thought that this idiom was made by composing 'jitsugetsu' (日月 - "day and month") and 'shinpo' (進歩 - "progress").

That is to say, 日進月歩 means that something continue to progress day by day/month by month.



「日」は "day," 「進」は "progress," 「月」は "month," 「歩」は "walk/stride" を意味します。

この言葉は、"day and month" を意味する「日月」と、"progress" を意味する「進歩」を融合して作られた言葉だと考えられています。

No. 1 Kiwi's correction
To me, it means to be so efficient, you complete a month's worth of work in a day.
Thank you for the comment. :)
I think that this term is used to mean that something changes/progresses just rapidly rather than efficiently.
No. 2 ColFrogfoot's correction
  • Nisshin Geppo (日進月歩 - Fast Progressing)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Nisshin Geppo
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Information technology, especially security technology, continually progresses day by day.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • When describing such a fact, we use the four-character idiom 'nisshin geppo' (日進月歩).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'ni/nichi' (日) means "day," 'shin' (進) means "progress," 'ge/getsu' (月) means "month," and 'po/ho' (歩) means "walk" or "stride."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is thought that this idiom was made by composing 'jitsugetsu' (日月 - "day and month") and 'shinpo' (進歩 - "progress").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, 日進月歩 means that something continue to progress day by day/month by month.
  • That is to say, 日進月歩 means that something will continue to progress day by day/month by month.
Thank you so much for the correction! :)